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작성자 사진Amer Sharif

Reflection on Exodus 32:15-24

We see attitudes of two leaders:

a) We see Moses as the one who receives the law from the LORD, as an intercessor, and the idol breaker.

b) Aaron made excuses: firstly he put all blame on people and secondly he tried to justify his innocence by assuming that golden calf emerged from fire by itself. Lame excuses quench the fire of the Spirit.

Along with it, the sinful old corrupt nature of people is very evident in incident of golden calf. Even sinful people cannot live without worship. They will not worship true God in true way. Either they will worship of false gods, idols, money, and one's own self etc. or they will worship true God in wrong way. (Romans 1:18-25)


a) In order to live an uncompromised life, I must always firmly stand on the authority of the Scripture. Without radical/total obedience the Word of God, uncompromised life seems impossible.

b) Like Moses, I must not only the preacher of the Word and intercessor only but also the breaker of the idols.

I have been praying, intercessory prayer, in these days for my family by confessing the sins of my forefathers. Along with it, by standing on the authority of the Word, I must break every kind of idol in my family and church in Pakistan. They are so many idols:

- self-righteousness

- false teachings

- money


- power

In myself, one of the most dangerous idols, which I have been struggling every day, is SELF. I have to crucify my flesh every day in order to live Spirit-filled life.

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